Changes in version 1.8.6                        

    o   option to identify sequence source

                        Changes in version 1.8.5                        

    o   added functions for exporting plot settings

                        Changes in version 1.8.4                        

    o   fixed error reading taxonNamesReduced.txt that contains "#"

    o   added functions for import and export taxonomy DB

                        Changes in version 1.8.3                        

    o   fixed bug of group comparison function

                        Changes in version 1.8.2                        

    o   fixed loading cluster from config file

                        Changes in version 1.8.1                        

    o   do not show pfam links for smart domains and vice versa

                        Changes in version 1.7.8                        

    o   only mainInput is required in config file

                        Changes in version 1.7.7                        

    o   use config file for input files, refspec selection and othes

                        Changes in version 1.6.6                        

    o   turn off auto sizing for large number of taxa or genes (>=

                        Changes in version 1.6.5                        

    o   fixed filter for "species relation"

    o   added midpoint colors

                        Changes in version 1.6.2                        

    o   increase default font size for profile and domain plot

    o   make links to DBs: ncbi taxonomy, ncbi protein, uniprot, pfam,

                        Changes in version 1.6.1                        

    o   modified taxonomy ranks (ropensci#875)

    o   improved rank indexing function (ropensci#874)

    o   improved x-axis label (#116)

                       Changes in version 1.4.12                        

    o   domain plot works with group ID containing pipe

                       Changes in version 1.4.11                        

    o   added check for invalid ids in newTaxa file

                       Changes in version 1.4.10                        

    o   fixed bug comparing unk taxon IDs with max ncbi taxID

                        Changes in version 1.4.9                        

    o   fixed bug comparing taxon IDs with max ncbi taxID

                        Changes in version 1.4.8                        

    o   fixed bug filterProfileData (some filtered data could not be

                        Changes in version 1.4.5                        

    o   Add auto sizing feature

                        Changes in version 1.4.4                        

    o   Fixed orthoxml parsing function

                        Changes in version 1.4.3                        

    o   Plot background for NA orthologs

    o   Fixed highlight by categories

                        Changes in version 1.4.2                        

    o   Fixed error when parsing large amount of new taxa

    o   Improved the speed of parsing new taxa

    o   Apply filter to refspec orthologs when not working with

                        Changes in version 1.4.1                        

    o   Fixed bug data lost after filtering var2

    o   Add filter data to detailed plot

                       Changes in version 1.3.11                        

    o   Add filter number of co-orthologs to parseInfoProfile()

                       Changes in version 1.3.10                        

    o   Calculate percentage of present taxa after filtering of var1
	and var2

    o   Fixed filter when working with high taxonomy ranks

                        Changes in version 1.2.8                        

    o   Added new NCBI taxonomy ranks (e.g. biotype, isolate,
	pathogroup, ...)

    o   Added function to reset taxonomy data

                        Changes in version 1.2.7                        

    o   Solved problem with new NCBI taxonomy rank "clade" by replace
	them with "norank"

                        Changes in version 1.2.6                        

    o   Fixed bug customized profile of subset of taxa not clickable

                        Changes in version 1.2.4                        

    o   Fixed bug checking invalid taxon IDs

                        Changes in version 1.2.1                        

    o   Fixed bug in rankIndexing and processNcbiTaxonomy

    o   Improved check for invalid input taxon IDs

                       Changes in version 1.1.12                        

    o   Added pseudo IDs for Holozoa and Holomycota clades and their
	non-NCBI sub-clades

                       Changes in version 1.1.11                        

    o   Increased the resolution of the phylostratigraphy function

                       Changes in version 1.1.10                        

    o   Improved the rank indexing function

                        Changes in version 1.1.6                        

    o   Removed grDevices, grid, stats, utils from Imports list in

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

    o   Added progress indicators for data loading and processing steps

    o   Removed shinycssloaders

                        Changes in version 1.1.3                        

    o   Fixed bug listing taxa by selecting a supertaxon from a higher

    o   Added message for downloading preprocessed data

                        Changes in version 1.1.2                        

    o   Fixed bug sorting taxa when taxonomy rank is set as strain

                        Changes in version 1.1.1                        

    o   Commented examples of OMA parser functions

    o   Turned off tests for OMA parser functions

                       Changes in version 0.99.31                       

    o   Submitted to Bioconductor