\name{getSRAinfo} \alias{getSRAinfo} \title{Get file size and date from NCBI ftp site for available sra or sra-lite data files associated with input SRA accessions} \description{ This function will get sra or sra-lite data file size and date from NCBI ftp site associated with input SRA accessions } \usage{ getSRAinfo(in_acc, sra_con, sraType='litesra') } \arguments{ \item{in_acc}{ character vector of SRA accessions and should be of same SRA data type, either one of SRA submission, SRA study, SRA sample, SRA experiment and SRA run } \item{sra_con}{ Connection to the SRAmetadb SQLite database } \item{sraType}{ types of SRA data files, which should be 'sra' or 'litesra'. } } \details{ The function will convert all input SRA accessions to SRA experiment and run accessions and get sra or sra-lite data file size and date from NCBI SRA ftp sites. } \value{ A data.frame containing NCBI ftp addresses to the SRA data files, and size and date along with input SRA accessions. } \author{ Jack Zhu } \seealso{ \code{\link{listSRAfile}}, \code{\link{getSRAfile}} } \examples{ if(file.exists('SRAmetadb.sqlite')) { library(SRAdb) sra_dbname <- 'SRAmetadb.sqlite' sra_con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), sra_dbname) ## Get file size and date from NCBI ftp site for available fastq files associated with "SRS012041","SRS000290" getSRAinfo (in_acc=c("SRS012041","SRS000290"), sra_con=sra_con, sraType='litesra') } else { print("use getSRAdbFile() to get a copy of the SRAmetadb.sqlite file and then rerun the example") } }