\name{RESOURCERER.annotation.to.ID} \alias{RESOURCERER.annotation.to.ID} \title{Link RESOURCERER annotation file to expression ID} \description{Get annotation out of the RESOURCERER annotation file and link them to expression data with help of expression ID's } \usage{ RESOURCERER.annotation.to.ID(data, poslist, col.ID.link = 1, col.poslist.link = 1) } \arguments{ \item{data}{\link{data.frame} with expression data including an expression ID column.} \item{poslist}{\link{data.frame} containing the RESOURCERER annotation file} \item{col.ID.link}{numeric value, specifying the column of \code{data} that contains the ID to link with the \code{poslist}.} \item{col.poslist.link}{numeric value, specifying the column of \code{poslist} that contains the ID to link with the \code{data}.} } \details{ This function will output the inserted dataset, including the necessary, for \link{integrated.analysis}, a nnotation columns: \code{"CHROMOSOME"}, \code{"STARTPOS"}and \code{"Symbol"} out of the inserted RESOURCE RER annotation file \code{poslist}. } \value{A \code{data.frame} is returned, containing a dataset with annotation columns which can be used for \link{integrated.analysis}} \author{Marten Boetzer, Melle Sieswerda, Renee x Menezes \email{R.X.Menezes@lumc.nl}} \seealso{ \link{link.metadata} } \examples{ # download expression array annotation from RESOURCERER ftp://occams.dfci.harvard.edu/pub/bio/tgi/data/Resourcerer # it may be necessary to remove the first row, which states the genome build used for mapping \dontrun{read.an <- read.delim("affy_U133Plus2.txt", sep="\t", header=T)} # get physical mapping columns \dontrun{expr.data <- RESOURCERER_annotation_to_ID(data = read.expr, poslist = read.an, col.ID.link = 1, col.poslist.link = 1)} } \keyword{database}