\name{getOutliers} \alias{getOutliers} \title{ Get outliers for the different YAQCStatsObject slots } \description{ This function retrives the outliers fot the different quality control metrics stored in a YAQCStatsObject. Outliers are defined as being outside of the mean +/- 2 stdev range or mean/2, mean*1.5 for the scale factor. } \usage{ getOutliers(YAQCStatsObject,slot) } \arguments{ \item{YAQCStatsObject}{ an object of type \code{"YAQCStats"} } \item{slot}{ an object of type \code{string} describing the slot for which the outliers should be retrieved (see details for possible slot strings) } } \value{ An object of type \code{"numeric"} giving the outliers names and values } \details{ The slot strings that can be used are: \begin{description} \item[scale factor] "sfs" \item[average background] "avbg" \item[average noise] "avns" \item[percentage present] "pp" \item[$\beta$-actin 3'/5' ratio] "actin" \item[GAPDH 3'/5' ratio] "gapdh" \item[internal bioB control] "biob" \item[internal bioC control] "bioc" \item[internal bioD control] "biod" \item[Dap spike control] "dap" \item[Thr spike control] "thr" \item[Phe spike control] "phe" \item[Lys spike control] "lys" \end{description} } \examples{ ## load data library(MAQCsubsetAFX) data(refA) ## create the yaqc object qobj <- yaqc(refA[,3:5]) ## get outliers for the scale factor getOutliers(qobj,"sfs") } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \keyword{ misc }