\name{type2Exten} \alias{type2Exten} \title{Convert Method Type to Tree Extension} \description{ Convert Method Type to Tree Extension. } \usage{ type2Exten(type, datatype) } \arguments{ \item{type}{method type.} \item{datatype}{data type.} } \details{ For every \code{datatype} different methods, i.e. algorithms exist which can be applied. Valid \code{datatype}s are \sQuote{preprocess} and \sQuote{normation}. For \code{datatype} \sQuote{preprocess} the following methods can be applied:\cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{mean}: \tab trimmed mean \cr \code{median}: \tab median \cr \code{quantile}: \tab quantile \cr \code{tukeybiweight}: \tab tukey biweight \cr \code{medianpolish}: \tab median polish } For \code{datatype} \sQuote{normation} the following methods can be applied:\cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{mean}: \tab trimmed mean \cr \code{median}: \tab median \cr \code{quantile}: \tab quantile \cr \code{lowess}: \tab lowess \cr \code{supsmu}: \tab supsmu } The tree extensions are described in \code{\link{validTreetype}}. } \value{ A \code{character} with the correct tree extension. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{getDatatype}}, \code{\link{validTreetype}}} \examples{ type2Exten("quantile","preprocess") type2Exten("medianpolish","preprocess") type2Exten("supsmu","normation") } \keyword{manip}