\name{rawCELName-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{rawCELName-methods} \alias{rawCELName} \title{Method for getting names of the raw CEL-files} \description{ Method for getting names (and full path) of the original CEL-files. \emph{Usage} \code{rawCELName(object, treename = "*", fullpath = TRUE)} } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class \code{DataTreeSet}.} \item{treename}{treename, for which the name of the original CEL-file should be returned.} \item{fullpath}{logical, if TRUE return full path.} } \details{ Since CEL-files can be imported with \code{import.data} using alternative \code{celnames}, method \code{rawCELName} allows to return the original name and optionally the full path for each CEL-file. } \value{ A character vector. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{import.data}}} \examples{ ## load existing ROOT scheme file and ROOT data file scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) data.test3 <- root.data(scheme.test3, paste(.path.package("xps"),"rootdata/DataTest3_cel.root",sep="/")) rawCELName(data.test3) rawCELName(data.test3, treename = "TestA2.cel", fullpath = FALSE) } \keyword{methods}