\name{getProbeInfo} \alias{getProbeInfo} \title{Get Probe Information} \description{ Get GeneChip probe information from root scheme file. } \usage{ getProbeInfo(rootfile) } \arguments{ \item{rootfile}{name of ROOT scheme file, including full path.} } \details{ Extracts GeneChip probe information directly from \code{\link{ROOT}} scheme file \code{rootfile}. } \value{ a \code{list} with parameters: \item{nrows }{physical number of rows in the array.} \item{ncols }{physical number of columns in the array.} \item{nprobes }{number of probes on the array.} \item{ncontrols }{number of controls on the array.} \item{ngenes }{number of genes on the array.} \item{nunits }{number of units on the array.} \item{nprobesets }{umber of probesets on the array.} \item{naffx }{number of AFFX controls on the array.} } \author{Christian Stratowa} \examples{ getProbeInfo(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) } \keyword{manip}