\name{values.Widget} \alias{values.Widget} \alias{print.Widget} \alias{print.pWidget} \title{Deal with Names and Values of Widget Created by widgetRender()} \description{ Functions in this group print or list the names or/and values of the widget elements on a widget created by \code{\link{widgetRender}()}. } \usage{ values.Widget(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A list (print.pWidget) or list of lists(print.Widget, values.Widget) that representing a widget element (list) on a widget or a widget (list of lists) generated by using the function widgetRender.} } \details{ print.pWidget takes a list defining a widget element on a widget generated by using the function widgetREnder. An example of a valid list will be: pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText=function(x) paste(x,collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = fileBrowser, buttonText = "Browse") print.Widget and values.Widget take a list of lists defining all the widget elements on a widget generated using the function widgetRender. An example of a valid list will be: pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText=function(x) paste(x,collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = fileBrowser, buttonText = "Browse") pW2 <- list(Name="BBB", Value="x,y,z", toText=function(x) paste(x, sep=","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = ls, buttonText = "List") pW3 <- list(Name="CCC", Value="ccc", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun=NULL, buttonText=NULL) widget1 <- list(wList = list(a = pW1, b = pW2, c = pW3), preFun = function() "Hi", postFun = function() "Bye") } \value{ \item{returnList}{values.Widget returns a list of lists each with the name and value of an entry box on the widget created.} } \author{Jianhua (John) Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{widgetRender}}} \examples{ # Create the lists and list of lists pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText=function(x) paste(x,collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = fileBrowser, buttonText = "Browse") pW2 <- list(Name="BBB", Value="x,y,z", toText=function(x) paste(x, sep=","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = ls, buttonText = "List") pW3 <- list(Name="CCC", Value="ccc", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun=NULL, buttonText=NULL) widget1 <- list(wList = list(a = pW1, b = pW2, c = pW3), preFun = function() "Hi", postFun = function() "Bye") # Define the classes class(pW1) <- c("pWidget", "textbox") class(widget1) <- "Widget" # Call the funcitons print.pWidget(pW1) print.Widget(widget1) values.Widget(widget1) } \keyword{manip}