\name{pickItems} \alias{pickItems} \title{Function that builds a widget to allow users to select items from available sources} \description{ Given a vector of characters, this function creates a widget containing list box to allow users to visually select elements from the vector. } \usage{ pickItems(items, title1 = "Items to pick", title2 = "Picked items") } \arguments{ \item{items}{\code{items} a vector for the available source elements to be selected} \item{title1}{\code{title1} a character string for the title of the list box that shows the list of items to be selected from} \item{title2}{\code{title2} a character string for the title of the list box that shows the items that have been selected} } \details{ This function is to provide visual support to other functions and thus may not have much use otherwise. } \value{ This function returns a vector of select items. } \references{R tcltk} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{dataViewer}}} \examples{ options <- paste("Option", 1:10, sep = "") if(interactive()){ pickItems(options) } } \keyword{interface}