\name{hasChar} \alias{hasChar} \alias{hasPrefix} \alias{hasSuffix} \title{String Prefix and Suffix Checking} \description{ These functions return a \emph{function} for determining if a given prefix, suffix, or set of characters passed to this function exists in a character string passed to the returned function. } \usage{ hasChar(toCheck, what = "") hasPrefix(aPrefix) hasSuffix(aSuffix) } \arguments{ \item{aPrefix}{character string to be used as the prefix to be checked for} \item{aSuffix}{character string to be used as the suffix to be checked for} \item{toCheck}{\code{toCheck} a character string to be used to check to see if it exists in a character string passed to the returned function} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string defining whether toCheck will be used as a prefix (what = "prefix"), suffix (what = "suffix"), or a set of characters (what = "") to check the character string passed to the returned function} } \details{ The prefix (or suffix) is passed to \code{hasPrefix} (or \code{hasSuffix}) and then the returned function can be used to check for the existence of that prefix (suffix) in a string passed to that function. hasChar is a more general function that determines the existence of prefix, sufix, or a set of a characters in a character string passed to the returned function. } \value{ A \bold{function} which itself returns a logical (of length 1) indicating if the prefix/suffix is found (\code{\link{TRUE}}) or not. } \author{Jianhua (John) Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{pickFiles}}} \examples{ # Function for checking for a prefix "xxx" : chkPfun <- hasChar("xxx", what = "prefix") # Function for checking for a suffix ".tex" : chkSfun <- hasChar(".tex", what = "suffix") chkPfun("xxx.tex") chkPfun(".xxx") chkSfun("xxx.tex") chkSfun("yyyyy") chkSfun("yxxx.text") } \keyword{manip}