\name{WName} \title{Accessors for Primitive Widget Objects} \alias{WName} \alias{WValue} \alias{WValue<-} \alias{WtoText} \alias{WfromText} \alias{WcanEdit} \alias{WbuttonText} \alias{WbuttonFun} \alias{WwList} \alias{WwList<-} \alias{"WwList<-"} \alias{WLValue} \alias{WLValue<-} \alias{WRButtons} \alias{WpreFun} \alias{WpostFun} \alias{WEnd} \alias{"WValue<-"} \description{ Currently primitive widget objects (\code{pwidget}s) are implemented as \code{\link{list}}s, but this will change. Users should only rely on these accessors functions, not the implementation. } \usage{ WName(x) WValue(x) WValue(x) <- value WtoText(x) WfromText(x) WcanEdit(x) WbuttonText(x) WbuttonFun(x) WwList(x) WwList <- value WLValue(x, index) WLValue(x, index) <- value WRButtons(x) WpreFun(x) WpostFun(x) WEnd(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{list of lists with a Name, Value, toText, fromText, canEdit, buttonText, buttonFun, preFun, postFun element.} \item{index}{integer or character string as an index or name for the list in the first list of a list of lists for a widget.} \item{value}{An \R data type that is going to be used to update the value.} } \details{ \code{WName(x)} returns the \code{Name} element of \code{x}. \code{WValue(x)} returns the \code{Value} element of \code{x}. \code{WValue(x) <- value} will change the \code{Value} element of \code{x} to \code{value}. \code{WtoText(x)} returns the \code{toText} element of \code{x}. \code{WfromText(x)} returns the \code{fromText} element of \code{x}. \code{WcanEdit(x)} returns the \code{canEdit} element of \code{x}. \code{WbuttonText(x)} returns the \code{buttonText} element of \code{x}. \code{WbuttonFun(x)} returns the \code{buttonFun} element of \code{x}. \code{WwList(x)} returns the \code{wList} element of \code{x}. \code{WwList <- value} will update the \code{wList} element of a Widget list with \code{value}. %% FIXME: the following is not well understandable... \code{WLValue(x, index)} returns a list indicated by the index in the wList of a widget list. \code{WLValue(x, index) <- value} will update indicated by the index in the wList of a widget list with the value. \code{WpreFun(x)} returns the preFun element of \code{x}. \code{WpostFun(x)} returns the post element of \code{x}. \code{WEnd(x)} returns the end element of \code{x}. } \value{ A character string or \R function represented by the element of the list whose value is to be retrieved. } \author{Jianhua (John) Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{widgetRender}} for references etc. } \examples{ # Create the list of lists pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText = function(x) paste(x,collapse = ","), fromText = NULL, canEdit = TRUE, buttonFun = ls, buttonText = "Browse") widget1 <- list(wList = list(a = pW1), preFun = function() "Hi", postFun = function() "Bye") # Call the functions WName(pW1) WValue(pW1) WValue(pW1) <- "lll" WtoText(pW1) WfromText(pW1) WcanEdit(pW1) WbuttonText(pW1) WbuttonFun(pW1) WwList(widget1) WwList(widget1) <- list(Name = "New list", Value = "New value") WLValue(widget1, 1) WLValue(widget1, 1) <- "New value" WpreFun(widget1) WpostFun(widget1) WEnd(widget1) } \keyword{manip}