\title{Gene Temporal Profile Plot} \name{plotProfile} \alias{plotProfile} \description{ Plots the longitudinal temporal profile of a gene. } \usage{ plotProfile(object, stats=c("HotellingT2", "MB"), ranking=1, gid=NULL, gnames=NULL, desc=NULL, type=c("p","l","b"), col=2:100, lty=1:100, pch=1:100, lwd=2, xlab="Time", ylab="Expression", legloc=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, cex.main=1,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a \code{MArrayTC} object.} \item{stats}{a character indicating which statistic the \code{ranking} is based on.} \item{ranking}{a numeric value giving the ranking of the gene to be plotted.} \item{gid}{an optional character giving the ID of the gene to be plotted.} \item{gnames}{an optional character vector with the \eqn{i_th} element corresponds to the gene ID of the \eqn{i_th} gene in \code{object$M}.} \item{desc}{an optional character vector with the \eqn{i_th} element corresponds to the gene description of the \eqn{i_th} gene in \code{object$M}.} \item{type}{a character indicating the plot type, \code{"p"} for points, \code{"l"} for lines, and \code{"b"} for both.} \item{col}{a character or numeric vector giving the colors for different biological conditions. Default is \code{2:100}.} \item{lty}{a character or numeric vector giving the line types for different replicates. Default is \code{1:100}.} \item{pch}{a character or numeric vector giving the point types for different replicates. Default is \code{1:100}.} \item{lwd}{optional. The default sets to 2.} \item{xlab}{character. The label for the x-axis.} \item{ylab}{character. The label for the y-axis.} \item{legloc}{an optional vector giving the location of the legend.} \item{xlim}{an optional vector giving the upper- and lower- limits of x-axis.} \item{ylim}{an optional vector giving the upper- and lower- limits of y-axis.} \item{cex.main}{optional. The default sets to 1} \item{...}{any other arguments passed onto \code{plot}} } \details{ This function takes an object of \code{MArrayTC} as the input and plots the temporal profile of a single gene. The user can specify either the ranking based on \code{stats} or the gene ID of the gene to be plotted. See \code{\link[base]{points}} for possible values for \code{pch}, \code{col} and \code{cex}. See \code{mb.long} for examples. } \author{Yu Chuan Tai \email{yuchuan@stat.berkeley.edu}} \keyword{hplot}