\name{sort.SpliceExprSet} \alias{sort.SpliceExprSet} \title{ A function to sort a SpliceExprSet } \description{ Sort the probes in a SpliceExprSet (and reflect this in all the relevant places. } \usage{ \method{sort}{SpliceExprSet}(x, decreasing, fun = function(x) order(x@probes@pos[, 1]), reverse = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a \code{SpliceExprSet}.} \item{decreasing}{ currently ignored } \item{fun}{ a function to do the sorting } \item{reverse}{ return the reverse of the sorting order } \item{\dots}{currently ignored} } \details{ } \value{ An object of class \code{SpliceExprSet} } \author{ Laurent } \seealso{\code{\link{SpliceExprSet-class}}} \examples{ data(spliceset) s.spliceset <- sort.SpliceExprSet(spliceset) } \keyword{ manip }