\name{grid.plot.Probes} \alias{grid.plot.Probes} \alias{grid.plot.SpliceSites} \alias{grid.plot.SpliceExprSet} \title{ Plot splicegear objects } \description{ Plot objects defined in the package splicegear } \usage{ grid.plot.Probes(x, col = "black", add = FALSE, probepos.yscale = NULL, xlim = NULL, vp = NULL, ...) grid.plot.SpliceSites(x, col.typeI = "orange", col.typeI.window = "yellow", col.typeII = "red", add = FALSE, ylim = NULL, vp = NULL, ...) grid.plot.SpliceExprSet(x, probes.opt = list(), expr.opt = list(col = NA, lty = 1:6), fig.xratio = c(2, 1), fig.yratio = c(2, 1), probepos.yscale = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ object of \code{\link{Probes-class}}, \code{\link{SpliceSites-class}} or \code{\link{SpliceExprSet-class}}} \item{add}{ add to an existing plot } \item{col}{ color(s) for the probes (recycled if necessary). } \item{col.typeI}{ color(s) for the type I spliced out exons } \item{col.typeI.window}{ background color for the type I spliced out `windows' } \item{col.typeII}{ color for the type II splicing events } \item{expr.opt}{list of options to plot expression values} \item{probepos.yscale}{ specify coordinates on the y-axis for the probes.} \item{probes.opt}{options to plot the probes} \item{fig.xratio}{ratio for the left and right parts of the plot} \item{fig.yratio}{ratio for the upper and lower parts of the plot} \item{vp}{ a viewport (grid package stuff)} \item{xlim}{ range for the x-axis (see \code{plot}).} \item{ylim}{ range for the y-axis} \item{\dots}{ optional parameters } } \details{ The `type I'/'type II' thing is described in the references found in the help files for \code{\link{plot.SpliceSites}}. } \value{ These functions are mainly used for their side effects. \code{grid.plot.SpliceSites} returns the range for the y-axis when needed. } \seealso{ plot.SpliceSites, plot.Probes} \examples{ ## plot splice sites data(spsites) grid.plot(spsites) ## plot probes data(probes) grid.plot(probes) ## combined plot grid.plot(probes, spsites) } \keyword{ hplot }