\name{hgu} \alias{hgu} \docType{data} \title{Selected Probe Set data} \description{ This selected probe sets information contains the sequence of the selected probe sets, as well as the match and mismatch onformation and Delta G value required for the langmuir analysis } \usage{data(hgu)} \format{ A data frame with 11452 observations on the following 9 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Probe.Set.Name}}{Name of probe set} \item{\code{conc}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Ipm}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Imm}}{a numeric vector} \item{\code{Seq}}{DNA Sequence of the probe} \item{\code{DGpm}}{DG value of perfect match of the probe} \item{\code{DGmm}}{Delta G value of the mismatch of the probe} \item{\code{DGRNA}}{Delta G value of the RNA} \item{\code{FILE}}{a factor with levels \code{HGU133} \code{HGU95}} } } \references{ E. Carlon and T. Heim, Physica A 362, 433 (2006). } \seealso{ \code{\link{Ivsc}}, \code{\link{IvsDG}}, \code{\link{collapse}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_IN}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INA}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INB}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INH}} } \examples{ data(hgu) ## maybe str(hgu) ; plot(hgu) ... } \keyword{datasets}