\name{readPositionalInfo} \alias{readPositionalInfo} \title{readPositionalInfo} \description{ This function automatically inserts information about the chromosomal postional of a clone into the \$genes matrix of an RGList or MAList. This information is used in all the available segmentation methods as well as many of the plotting functions available in snapCGH. } \usage{ readPositionalInfo(input, source, path = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{input}{An object of class \code{\link[limma]{RGList}} or \code{\link[limma]{MAList}}} \item{source}{Defines which platform or technology this data was produced on. Currently supported options are: "aglient", "bluefuse", "nimblegen". This list will be expanded in time.} \item{path}{Optional parameter to specify where the original data is stored. Defaults to the current working directory. This option is only required for reading "bluefuse" data at the moment, as chromosome information isn't read by limma as default.} } \keyword{manip}