\name{convert.output} \alias{convert.output} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Converts the output from the simulation to a format which can be used by segmentation schemes available within R } \description{ This function converts the output obtained by applying our simulation scheme into a format that can be used (either directly or indirectly) as the input to various segmentation schemes available within R. Additionally, we are in the process of submitting a library to CRAN which will enable the user to apply a number of the segmentation schemes available within R to datasets which have the same structure as that generated by this function. } \usage{ convert.output(input) } \arguments{ \item{input}{ The output obtained upon applying the sim.structure function } } \details{ This function outputs an object which is similar in structure/format to an RG or MA object used in Limma. } \value{ This function outputs a list with entries \item{M }{A matrix continaing the $\mbox{log}_2$ ratios} \item{genes }{A matrix containing the simulated midpoints and the chromosome which forms the template upon which the simulation is based.} } \author{ Michael Smith, John Marioni } \examples{ ## The function is currently defined as function(input){ holder <- list() for (i in 1:length(input)){ holder[[i]] <- list()} for(i in 1:length(input)){ holder[[i]]$genes <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(input[[i]]$clones$mid.point), ncol = 2) } for(i in 1:length(input)){ holder[[i]]$M <- as.matrix(input[[i]]$datamatrix) holder[[i]]$genes[,1] <- input[[i]]$clones$mid.point holder[[i]]$genes[,2] <- rep(input[[i]]$chrom,length(input[[i]]$clones$mid.point)) colnames(holder[[i]]$genes) <- c("kb", "Chrom") holder[[i]] <- new("aCGHList", holder[[i]]) } holder } } \keyword{ datasets }