\name{chrominfo.Mb} \alias{chrominfo.Mb} \docType{data} \title{ Basic Chromosomal Information for UCSC Human Genome Assembly July 2003 freeze } \description{ This dataset contains basic chromosomal information for UCSC Human Genome Assembly July 2003 freeze. } \usage{ chrominfo.basepair } \format{ A data frame with 24 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{chrom}{Chromosomal index, X is coded as 23 and Y as 24.} \item{length}{Length of each chromosome in megabases.} \item{centromere}{ Location of the centromere on the chromosome (Mb). } } } \details{ This file is used for many plotting functions. The centromeric location is approximately extimated by taking mid-point between the last fish-mapped clone on the p-arm and the first fish-mapped clone on the q-arm using relevant UCSC freeze. For an alternative freeze, one needs to manually create a 3-column file of the format described above. } \source{ http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgText } % \references{ % } \keyword{datasets}