\name{SegList-class} \docType{class} \alias{SegList-class} \alias{print.SegList} \alias{show,SegList-method} \alias{[.SegList} \title{Segmentation States - class} \description{ A list based class for storing the results of a segmentation algorithm. They are generally created by running one of the following functions \code{\link{runHomHMM}}, \code{\link{runGLAD}} or \code{\link{runDNAcopy}} on an \code{\link[limma]{MAList} object}. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects should contain the following list components: \tabular{ll}{ \code{pred}:\tab Predicted value of the state.\cr \code{disp}:\tab Dispersion.\cr \code{obs}:\tab Observed value.\cr \code{state}:\tab Numeric value.\cr \code{nstates.hmm}: \tab The number of states per chromosome. Each row represents a chromosome and each column is an array.\cr \code{genes}:\tab data.frame that contains the chromosome and position on the chromosome for each clone. Used for plotting functions.\cr } Optional:\cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{rpred}:\tab Smoothed value for the clone.\cr \code{prob}:\tab Probability of the clone being in the assigned state.\cr } } } \section{Methods}{ \code{SegLists} can be subsetted and combined. They also return dimensions so functions such as \code{\link[limma]{dim}}, \code{\link[base]{nrow}} and \code{\link[base]{ncol}} are also defined. \code{SegList} inherits the \code{\link[methods]{show}} method from the Limma class \code{\link[limma]{LargeDataObject}}. This means that the \code{SegList} will print in a relatively compact way. } \author{Mike Smith} \keyword{classes} \keyword{data}