\name{simulator} \alias{simulator} \title{Function sets up inputs to call all FN/FP errors on the PPCM} \description{ For each bait, the simulator function first partitions all the proteins into two groups: (1) those that share co-membership with the bait in the ISI and (2) those that do not. From the first group, simulator calls the function applyFNErrors to generate the FN's for the error model; it calls applyFPErrors on the second group. } \usage{ simulator(TSNMat, exMat, bait, rateFP, rateFN) } \arguments{ \item{TSNMat}{The PPCM matrix} \item{exMat}{The error model matrix} \item{bait}{A bait protein used in the simulated experiment } \item{rateFP}{The rate for which FP's are seen in the experiment } \item{rateFN}{The rate for which FN's are seen in the experiment } } \details{ See description } \value{ The return value is an directed graph matrix of PPCM with the embedded FN/FP's incorporated. } \author{Tony Chiang} \seealso{\code{\link{runSimulators}}} \examples{ data(simEX) data(vBaits) PPCM = simEX %*% t(simEX) mode(PPCM) = "logical" mode(PPCM) = "numeric" estMat = PPCM[vBaits[2:4],] rateFP = 0.025 rateFN = 0.20 simulator(simEX, estMat, vBaits[2], rateFP, rateFN)[2,] } \keyword{misc}