\name{recordSticky} \alias{recordSticky} \title{This function records proteins known to be sticky in the simulation of AP-MS.} \description{ In the actual AP-MS technology, sticky proteins are identified and then removed from the process so sticky proteins do not influence the outcome of the protein-protein co-membership matrix nor the estimate from complex composition algorithms such as apComplex. } \usage{ recordSticky(simMat, vSticky, vBaits) } \arguments{ \item{simMat}{An adjcency matrix: the rows are indexed by bait proteins and the colunms are indexed by prey proteins} \item{vSticky}{The pre-determined vector of sticky proteins} \item{vBaits}{A character vector of the proteins used as baits} } \details{ The recordSticky function will return both the sticky proteins that are put into the function at the beginning as well as proteins which pull down a large number of prey proteins. } \value{ A character vector: The return value is a vector of all the proteins that are considered to be sticky in the simulation of AP-MS } \author{Tony Chiang} \examples{ data(fullSimEX) data(vBaits) recordSticky(fullSimEX, vSticky = vBaits[2], vBaits = vBaits[2:4]) } \keyword{datagen}