\name{compIndep} \alias{compIndep} \title{This function determines probability distribution independence between two bi-partite graph incidence matrices.} \description{ This function calculates the probability that a protein is in Cluster C-i and the probability that a protein is in cluster K-j and then the joint probability that the protein is in both C-i and K-j. The function compares the joint distributions with the marginals. } \usage{ compIndep(TSNMat, erMat, intersectMat) } \arguments{ \item{TSNMat}{The first bi-partite graph matrix; usually a representation of the true state of nature.} \item{erMat}{The second bi-partite graph mattrix; usually an estimate of the true state of nature based on some error model.} \item{intersectMat}{A matrix of of integers. The (i,j)th entry is the cardinality of the intersection between the i-th complex of TSNMat and the j-th complex of erMat.} } \details{ } \value{ Matrix of real numbers: The return value is a matrix of real numbers that account for how independent the marginals are from the joint distribution of protein membership to complexes. } \author{ Tony Chiang } \examples{ data(simEX) data(APComEX) CC = runCompareComplex(simEX, APComEX) compIndep(simEX, APComEX, CC[[1]]) } \keyword{datagen}