\name{ qc.get.alpha1} \alias{ qc.get.alpha1} \alias{ qc.set.alpha1} \alias{ qc.get.alpha2} \alias{ qc.set.alpha2} \alias{ qc.get.tau } \title{ Get or set the alpha values for the current QC environment } \description{ Alpha1 and Alpha2 are used to define the P/M/A thresholds for detection calling algorithm see - \code{\link{detection.p.val}}. These are array dependent, these functions set or get their values. Tau is a constant parameter within the calculation and is not array specific. } \usage{ qc.get.alpha1() qc.set.alpha1(value) qc.get.alpha2() qc.set.alpha2(value) qc.get.tau() } \arguments{ \item{value}{ A double representing the alpha1 or alpha2 threshold for defining detection calls. See \code{\link{detection.p.val}} for more details.} } \value{ \code{qc.set.alpha1} and \code{qc.set.alpha2} return nothing. \code{qc.get.alpha1} and \code{qc.get.alpha2} return a double. } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{detection.p.val}} } \examples{ setQCEnvironment("hgu133plus2cdf") qc.get.alpha1() qc.get.alpha2() qc.set.alpha1(0.05) qc.get.alpha1() qc.set.alpha2(0.05) qc.get.alpha2() } \keyword{ misc }