\name{call.exprs} \alias{call.exprs} \title{ Generate Expression Summaries for Affymetrix Data } \description{ Generates expression summaries and normalizes Affymetrix data using either MAS5.0, GCRMA or RMA algorithms. } \usage{ call.exprs(x, algorithm = "rma", do.log = TRUE, sc = 100, method = NA) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an \code{AffyBatch} object } \item{algorithm}{ one of '"rma","rma-R","gcrma", "mas5", "mas5-R". "rma" and "mas5" make use of a native C-library and are faster than "rma-R" and "mas5-R". } \item{do.log}{ return logged data if true } \item{sc}{ if the mas5 algorithm is being used, sets the target intensity to which the chips should be scaled. } \item{method}{ The algorithm used to normalise the data. Has no effect for "rma", defaults to quantile normalisation for "rma" and no normalisation for "mas5" } } \details{ } \value{ An AffyBatch object containing expression summaries. } \references{\url{http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/}} \author{ Crispin J Miller } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.affy}}, \code{\link[affy]{expresso}}, \code{\link[affy]{justRMA}}, \code{\link{justMAS}} } \keyword{ misc } \examples{ \dontrun{ eset.rma <- call.exprs(eset,"rma"); eset.mas5 <- call.exprs(eset,"mas5"); } }