\name{PairComp-class} \docType{class} \alias{PairComp-class} \alias{[,PairComp-method} \alias{[<-,PairComp-method} \alias{calls,PairComp-method} \alias{fc,PairComp-method} \alias{group,PairComp-method} \alias{means,PairComp-method} \alias{members,PairComp-method} \alias{pairwise.filter,PairComp-method} \alias{tt,PairComp-method} \alias{pData,PairComp-method} \alias{calculated.from,PairComp-method} \alias{plot,PairComp,missing-method} \alias{plot,PairComp,PairComp-method} \alias{calls} \alias{fc} \alias{group} \alias{means} \alias{members} \alias{tt} \alias{pData} \alias{calculated.from} \alias{plot,PairComp,ANY-method} \title{Class "PairComp" Represents the results of pairwise comparison between two experimental factors} \description{Holds fold-change, ttest p-score and detection p-value calls(if used) between a pair of experimental factors.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{means}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} Mean values for each of the experimental factors.} \item{\code{fc}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} Fold change between the means.} \item{\code{tt}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} P-score between the factors.} \item{\code{calls}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} Detection p-values for each probeset on each array.} \item{\code{group}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The name of the factor that was compared.} \item{\code{members}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} A list containing the two levels compared between.} \item{\code{pData}:}{Object of class \code{"pData"} The phenoData for the members that were compared.} \item{\code{calculated.from}:}{Object of class \code{"ExpressionSet"} The original expression set that was being compared.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "PairComp")}: get the values for the specified gene(s).} \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "PairComp")}: not supported.} \item{calls}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the detection.p.values.} \item{fc}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the fold-changes.} \item{group}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the name of the group that was compared.} \item{means}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the means of the two experimental factors that were compared.} \item{members}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the members of that group that were compared.} \item{pairwise.filter}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: Take a \code{PairComp} object and filter it to yield probesets that pass the specified criteria.} \item{tt}{\code{signature(object = "PairComp")}: the results of a ttest between groups.} \item{pData}{\code{signature(object = "pData")}: The phenoData from the members that were compared.} \item{calculated.from}{\code{signature(object = "ExpressionSet")}: The original expression set.} } } \author{Crispin Miller} \seealso{ } \keyword{classes}