\name{list.siggenes} \alias{list.siggenes} \title{List of the significant genes} \description{ Lists the genes called differentially expressed by the SAM or the EBAM analysis for a specified value of the threshold \eqn{\Delta}{Delta}. } \usage{ list.siggenes(object, delta, file = "", gene.names = NULL, order = TRUE, text = NULL, append = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{either a SAM- or an EBAM-object} \item{delta}{a numeric value specifying the threshold \eqn{\Delta}{Delta} in the SAM or EBAM analysis. Note that the meaning of \eqn{\Delta}{Delta} differs between SAM and EBAM: In SAM, it is a strictly positive value, whereas in EBAM it is a probability} \item{file}{a character string naming a file in which the output is stored. If \code{""}, the significant genes will be shown in the console} \item{gene.names}{a character vector containing the names of the genes. Needs only to be specified, if the gene names were not specified in \code{sam} or \code{ebam}, respectively } \item{order}{if \code{TRUE}, the gene names will be ordered by their "significance"} \item{text}{a character string specifying the heading of the gene list. By default, the header specifies the type of analysis and the used value of \eqn{\Delta}{Delta}. To avoid a header, set \code{text=""}} \item{append}{If \code{TRUE}, the output will be appended to \code{file}. If \code{FALSE}, any existing file having the name \code{file} will be destroyed} } \value{ A list of significant genes either shown in the console or stored in a file. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schw@gmx.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{sam}}, \code{\link{ebam}} } \examples{\dontrun{ # Load the package multtest and the data of Golub et al. (1999) # contained in \pkg{multtest}. library(multtest) data(golub) # Perform a SAM analysis. sam.out<-sam(golub,golub.cl,B=100,rand=123) # List the genes called significant by SAM using Delta = 3.1. list.siggenes(sam.out,3.1,gene.names=golub.gnames[,2]) }} \keyword{IO} \keyword{file}