\name{help.finda0} \alias{help.finda0} \alias{args.finda0} \title{Help files or argument list for FindA0-specific methods } \description{Displays the help page or the argument list, respectively, for a FindA0-specific method. } \usage{ help.finda0(method) args.finda0(method) } \arguments{ \item{method}{a name or a character string specifying the method for which the arguments or the help page, respectively, should be shown. Currently available are \code{print} and \code{plot}} } \value{ The arguments of the specified \code{method} are displayed or a html page containing the help for the specified \code{method} is opened, respectively. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schw@gmx.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{FindA0-class}}, \code{\link{find.a0}} } \examples{\dontrun{ # Displays the arguments of the function summary args.finda0(summary) # Opens the help page in the browser help.finda0(summary) }} \keyword{documentation}