\name{browserSession-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{browserSession} \alias{browserSession-methods} \alias{browserSession,character-method} \alias{browserSession,browserView-method} \alias{browserSession,missing-method} \title{ Get a genome browser session } \description{ Methods for getting browser sessions. } \section{Methods}{ The following methods are defined by \pkg{rtracklayer}. \describe{ \item{object = "character"}{ \code{browserSession(object, ...)}: Creates a \code{\linkS4class{browserSession}} from a genome browser identifier. The identifier corresponds to the prefix of the session class name (e.g. "ucsc" in "ucscSession"). The arguments in \dots are passed to the initialization function of the class.} \item{object = "browserView"}{ Gets the \code{\linkS4class{browserSession}} for the view. } \item{object = "missing"}{ Calls \code{browserSession("ucsc", ...)}. } } } \keyword{methods}