\name{browserSession-class} \docType{class} \alias{browserSession-class} \alias{show,browserSession-method} \title{Class "browserSession"} \description{An object representing a genome browser session. Each session corresponds to a set of loaded \code{\linkS4class{trackSet}} instances and a set of \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} instances. Note that this is a virtual class; a concrete implementation is provided by each backend driver.} \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it. See \code{\link{browserSession}} for obtaining an instance of an implementation for a particular genome browser.} \section{Methods}{ This specifies the API implemented by each browser backend. Note that a backend is not guaranteed to support all operations. \describe{ \item{\code{\link{browserView}(object, segment = genomeSegment(object), track = tracks(object), ...)}}{ Constructs a \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} of \code{segment} for this session. } \item{\code{\link{browserViews}(object, ...)}}{ Gets the \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} instances belonging to this session.} \item{\code{\link{activeView}(object, ...)}}{ Returns the \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} that is currently active in the session.} \item{\code{\link{genomeSegment}(object, ...)}}{ Gets the \code{\linkS4class{genomeSegment}} representing the segment of the genome currently displayed by the browser (i.e. the segment shown by the active view) or a default value (possibly \code{NULL}) if no views exist. } \item{\code{\link{genomeSequence}(object, segment = genomeSegment(object), ...)}}{ gets a genomic sequence of \code{segment} from this session.} \item{\code{\link{laySequence}(object, ...)}}{Loads a sequence into the session.} \item{\code{\link{layTrack}(object, track, name = deparse(substitute(track)), view = TRUE, ...)}}{ Loads one or more \code{track}s into the session and optionally open a \code{view} of the track. } \item{\code{\link{trackSet}(object, segment = genomeSegment(object), name, ...)}}{ Gets features in \code{segment} in the track stored as \code{name} as a \code{\linkS4class{trackSet}}. } \item{\code{\link{tracks}(object, ...)}}{ Gets the names of the tracks stored in this session. } \item{\code{\link{close}(con, ...)}}{ Close this session. } \item{\code{\link{show}(object, ...)}}{ Output a textual description of this session.} } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\link{browserSession}} for obtaining implementations of this class for a particular genome browser. } \keyword{classes}