\name{math} \alias{acot} \alias{acoth} \alias{acsc} \alias{acsch} \alias{asec} \alias{asech} \alias{cot} \alias{coth} \alias{csc} \alias{csch} \alias{sec} \alias{sech} \title{ MathML Utilities } \description{ Each of these functions implements a trigonometry function found in the MathML specification but not found in base R. These are all simple wrappers around existing R trig functions. } \usage{ acot(x) acoth(x) acsc(x) acsch(x) asec(x) asech(x) cot(x) coth(x) csc(x) csch(x) sec(x) sech(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The \code{numeric} value(s) for the trigonometry operation} } \value{ A \code{numeric} vector, the same length as \code{x}. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \keyword{math}