\name{"print-methods"} \docType{methods} \alias{"print-methods"} \alias{print-methods} \alias{print,ANY-method} \title{Printing an object} \description{ An object is displayed in a concise manner. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "ANY"}{Displays all the contents of the object } \item{x = "FCSmetadata"}{displays the original status, the objectname and the filename with the current size and nparam slot information; details can be viewed by 'x@slotName' where slotName is one of the following: "mode", "size", "nparam", "longnames", "shortnames", "paramranges", "filename", "objectname", "fcsinfo", "original"} \item{x = "FCS"}{displays the original status, the objectname and the filename with the current size and nparam slot information; Note that the long and gory details can be viewed by 'x@data' or 'x@metadata'} \item{x = "FCSsummary"}{Displays the statistics of the data and information about the metadata} \item{x="PRIM.step"}{ Displays the 'step.name', size of the starting data, the decision for the box, the percent change for each iteration, the number of iterations, and the chosen box's ranges within the data X. } \item{x="PRIM.step.set", y="missing"}{ Displays the "PRIM.step" information for the peeling and expansion steps. } \item{x="PRIM.crossval.step", y="missing"}{ Displays the "PRIM.step" information for the peeling and expansion steps for each testdata set.} \item{x="PRIM.rule", y="missing"}{ displays the "PRIM.step" information for all 3 steps is displayed. } } } \keyword{methods} \keyword{data}