\name{plotvar.FCS} \alias{plotvar.FCS} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Making Univariate/Bivariate plots of the column variables of a FCS object} \description{ A univariate histogram or scatterplot will be made for a single column variable specified from the data of the FCS object, or a bivariate scatterplot or contour-image scatter plot will be shown for any two variables specified in the FCS object. } \usage{ plotvar.FCS(x, varpos, type = c("uni", "bi"), plotType = c("hist", "ContourScatterPlot", "plot"), names.var = NULL, title.pl = "", xlimit = NULL, ylimit = NULL, plot.freq = TRUE, color.hist.plot = "white", CSPlot = TRUE, hexbin.CSPlot=TRUE, hexbin.style.CSPlot=c("colorscale", "lattice", "centroids", "nested.lattice", "nested.centroids"), n.hexbins.CSPlot=100, x.grid.CSPlot = seq(0, 1025, by = 25), y.grid.CSPlot = seq(0, 1025, by = 25), image.col.CSPlot = heat.colors(2), numlev.CSPlot = 25, xaxt="s", yaxt="s", MY.DEBUG = FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{FCS object} \item{varpos}{the numerical column variable position of the data of the FCS object} \item{type}{character string specifying the type of plot; either "uni" for univariate or "bi" for bivariate; currently this option need not be specified because of automatic detection within the function} \item{plotType}{the type of plot to be used; either \code{plot}, \code{hist}, \code{ContourScatterPlot}; currently this option need not be specified because of automatic detection within the function; a univariate histogram plot is default when varpos is a single numeric value, and a default contour-image scatter plot with hexagonal binning or rectangular binning is displayed for a bivariate plot.} \item{names.var}{(optional) character string or vector of characte strings of the variable or variables to be plotted; default is NULL and will be changed to the names specified in the data of the FCS object} \item{title.pl}{character string of the plot title (main)} \item{xlimit}{numerical vector of the range of the x variable (horizontal axis)} \item{ylimit}{numerical vector of the range of the y variable (vertical axis)} \item{plot.freq}{boolean; if TRUE, then the frequencies instead of the relative frequencies are plotted (only if plotType=hist)} \item{color.hist.plot}{character string or numerical value indicating the color of the histogram plot} \item{CSPlot}{a boolean of whether or not this is a ContourScatterPlot; if FALSE then an ordinary scatterplot is produced} \item{hexbin.CSPlot}{boolean; if TRUE then the grid cells/compartments are hexagons; otherwise the grid cells are rectangular; default value is TRUE} \item{hexbin.style.CSPlot}{the style of hexbin plot; default is "colorscale" (for ContourScatterPlot hexagonal binning ONLY!) } \item{n.hexbins.CSPlot}{number of xbins for hexagon binning; default is 100 (for ContourScatterPlot hexagonal binning ONLY!)} \item{x.grid.CSPlot}{a numeical sequence denoting the grid marks for the x coordinate (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{y.grid.CSPlot}{a numerical sequence denoting the grid marks for the y coordinate (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{image.col.CSPlot}{a color map for the image (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{numlev.CSPlot}{number of levels for the contours in a ContourScatterPlot (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{xaxt}{if "s", then the x-axis is plotted, if "n" then there is no x-axis plotted (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{yaxt}{if "s", then the y-axis is plotted, if "n" then there is no y-axis plotted (for ContourScatterPlot rectanglar binning ONLY!)} \item{MY.DEBUG}{boolean; if TRUE then the variable check statements are printed; default is FALSE} \item{...}{\code{plot} options (for histograms and ContourScatterPlot hexagonal binning) or \code{contour} options for ContourScatterPlot rectangular binning} } \details{ Other options from the functions \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{hist}}, \code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}} may be used in the signature of this function to define the plot further. } \value{ Either a univariate or a bivariate plot of the specified variable(s) of the FCS object. A \code{\link{hist}} plot will output the breaks and bins of the histogram. } \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \note{ For a description of colors please look up \code{\link[grDevices]{colors}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{palette}}, and \code{\link[grDevices]{heat.colors}} } \section{WARNING}{Please read the warning for \code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}}.} \seealso{\code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}}, \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{hist}}} \examples{ ### to identify all the colors available on your system colors() if (interactive()) { if (require(rfcdmin)) { if (!is.element("unst.1829", objects())) { ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data data(VRCmin) } ## univariate plot plotvar.FCS(unst.1829, varpos=1) ## bivariate plot :hexagonal binning plotvar.FCS(unst.1829, varpos=c(1,2)) ## bivariate plot :rectangonal binning plotvar.FCS(unst.1829, varpos=c(1,2), hexbin.CSPlot=FALSE) } } } \keyword{hplot}