\name{"plot-methods"} \docType{methods} \alias{"plot-methods"} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,ANY,ANY-method} \title{Graphical representation of an object} \description{ The default action is a graphical plot of the object. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "ANY", y = "ANY"}{A scatterplot or other graphical representation is produced.} \item{x = "FCS", y = "missing"}{ The default action is contour-image pairs plotting for all the column variables.} \item{x = "FCS", y = "missing", image.parallel.plot=FALSE, joint=TRUE, ...}{ An optional image parallel coordinates plotting (either marginal or joint) for each row/cell across all column variables can also be displayed. The optional signature details are listed below: \item{image.parallel.plot}{boolean; if true the image parallel coordinates plot will be implemented instead of default pairs plot; default value of FALSE} \item{joint}{boolean; if image.parallel.plot is TRUE, then this boolean establishes if the image parallel coordinates plot is joint or not} \item{...}{optional additional plot variables; See \code{\link{ImageParCoord}} or \code{\link{pairs.CSP}} for additional information on image parallel coordinates plotting and pairs contour-image plotting, respectively. } } \item{x="PRIM.step", y="missing"}{ Trajectory plot using the 'trajectory.pl' function in the \pkg{rfcprim} pacakge is displayed for the step. } \item{x="PRIM.step.set", y="missing"}{ Trajectory plot using the 'trajectory.pl' function in the \pkg{rfcprim} is displayed for the peeling and the expansion steps. } \item{x="PRIM.crossval.step", y="missing"}{ Trajectory plot using the 'trajectory.pl' function in the \pkg{rfcprim} is displayed for the peeling and the expansion steps for each testdata set. } \item{x="PRIM.rule", y="missing"}{ Trajectory plots for all 3 steps is displayed. } }} \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}