\name{make.grid} \alias{make.density} \alias{make.grid} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Make a matrix of values allocated in a two dimensional grid} \description{ A two-dimensional plot can be subdivided via grid marks and lines. Each component of the resulting grid is called a cell. The function \code{make.grid} determines a matrix of values corresponding to the number of observations that lie within each cell of the grid. The function \code{make.density} estimates the values allocated to each grid cell by a 'status' binary variable. The values are estimated to be either a difference in counts between the two status categories, a proportion, a normalized proportion, and a z statistic for each cell such that an \link{image} or \link{ContourScatterPlot} plot can be implemented. } \usage{ make.grid(x, y, x.grid = seq(0, 1025, by = 25), y.grid = seq(0, 1025, by = 25)) make.density(x, y, status = NULL, x.grid = seq(0, 1025, by = 25), y.grid = seq(0, 1025, by = 25), type.CSP = c("count.diff", "p.hat", "p.hat.norm", "z.stat")) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{a vector of data values for the x-axis } \item{y}{a vector of data values for the y-axis} \item{status}{a vector of 0, 1 values denoting two categories} \item{x.grid}{a vector of grid marks to allocate x} \item{y.grid}{a vector of grid marks to allocate y} \item{type.CSP}{character string denoting the type.CSP of value to be estimated using the 'status' for each cell grid} } \details{ The following details the options for 'type.CSP': \item{"count.diff"}{The cell value is the count difference between the two 'status' categories} \item{"p.hat"}{The grid cell value is the proportion of observations with 'status'==1 for that grid cell.} \item{"p.hat.norm"}{The grid cell value is the following: (ie, (p.hat - 0.05)/sqrt( (0.05 * (1-0.05)) /n) p.hat is the proportion in 'status'==1 where n is the number of cells in the grid with information. The default is to set the z statistic to zero for the cells with no information in either status. The value 0.5 is considered to be the case of no difference when the counts of both categories of 'status' are the same in the grid cell. } \item{"z.stat"}{The cell value is a z statistic computed as the following: (ie, (p.hat - p.bar)/se(p.bar)) p.hat is the proportion in 'status'==1 p.bar is the average of p.hat over the whole grid se(p.bar)=sqrt((1-p.bar)(p.bar)/n), where n is the number of cells in the grid with information. } } \value{ \item{z}{matrix of values corresponding to the counts in an x-y grid} \item{n.cells}{(only output for 'make.grid'); number of total observations in z} \item{type.CSP}{(only output for 'make.density'); the type.CSP of value in each cell.} } \author{Zoe Moodie, A.J. Rossini, J.Y. Wan} \note{In the base package, the function \code{\link{image}} could make a plot with the resulting matrix of values.} \seealso{ \code{\link{image}}, \code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}}, \code{\link{pairs.CSP}}, \code{\link{legend.CSP}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{heat.colors}} } \examples{ if (require(rfcdmin)){ data.there<-is.element(c("st.1829", "unst.1829", "st.DRT", "unst.DRT"),objects()) if ( ( sum(data.there) != length(data.there) )){ ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data data(VRCmin) } var1<-st.DRT@data[,4] var2<-st.DRT@data[,5] var1.2<-unst.DRT@data[,4] var2.2<-unst.DRT@data[,5] col.nm<-colnames(st.DRT@data) ## The status where 1=stimulated ## 0 = unstimulated status<-c(rep(1, dim(st.DRT@data)[1]), rep(0, dim(unst.DRT@data)[1])) x <- c(var1, var1.2) y <-c(var2, var2.2) count.output1<-make.grid(var1, var2) count.output0<-make.grid(var1.2, var2.2) ## matrix of counts mat.counts1<-count.output1$z mat.counts0<-count.output0$z ##total observations total.stimulated<-count.output1$n.cells total.unstimulated<-count.output0$n.cells count.diff.output <-make.density(x, y, status=status, type.CSP="count.diff") ## matrix of cont differences between the status categories mat.count.diff <-count.diff.output$z p.hat.output <-make.density(x, y, status=status, type.CSP="p.hat") ## matrix of cont differences between the status categories mat.p.hat <-p.hat.output$z p.hat.norm.output <-make.density(x, y, status=status, type.CSP="p.hat.norm") ## matrix of cont differences between the status categories mat.p.hat.norm <-p.hat.norm.output$z z.stat.output <-make.density(x, y, status=status, type.CSP="z.stat") ## matrix of cont differences between the status categories mat.z.stat <-z.stat.output$z if (interactive()){ par(mfrow=c(3,2)) image(mat.counts1,yaxt="n", xaxt="n", main="make.grid: Counts for stimulated", xlab=col.nm[4], ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) image( mat.counts0,yaxt="n", xaxt="n", main="make.grid: Counts for unstimulated", xlab=col.nm[4], ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) image( mat.count.diff,yaxt="n", xaxt="n", main="make.density: Count Difference (Stimulated-Unstimulated)", xlab=col.nm[4], ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) image( mat.p.hat,yaxt="n", xaxt="n", main="make.density: Proportion of Stimulated", xlab=col.nm[4], ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) image( mat.p.hat.norm,main="make.density: Normalized proportion of Stimulated", xlab=col.nm[4],yaxt="n", xaxt="n", ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) image( mat.z.stat, main="make.density: z statistic", xlab=col.nm[4],yaxt="n", xaxt="n", ylab=col.nm[5], col=heat.colors(20)) } } } \keyword{manip}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{hplot}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line