\name{gate.IPC} \alias{gate.IPC} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Interactive gating of an Image Parallel Coordinates Plot } \description{ This function will plot an image parallel coordinates plot and allows to user to click on the plot to indicate the cutoff value of the variable that is to be gated. On this single variable, the plot will be divided and two subsequent subplots (ie, two image parallel coordinates plots) will be shown. } \usage{ gate.IPC(myFCSobj, var.gate, var.pos=1:(dim(myFCSobj@data)[2]), num.bins=10, joint=FALSE, range.var=range(myFCSobj@data[,var.pos]), break10 =seq(range.var[1]-1, range.var[2], by=range.var[2]/num.bins), title="", use.shortnames=FALSE, color.image=gray((25:5/25)[-c(1,2,3, 4, 5, 6)]), xwidth.scale=5, ntrans=1, hist.plotted=FALSE, image.plotted=TRUE, para.plotted=FALSE, lines.plotted=TRUE, legend.plotted=TRUE, lwd.vec=1:7, lty.vec=rep(1,7), col.vec=7:1, range.image=c(0, dim(myFCSobj@data)[1]), shrink.legend=TRUE, horizontal.legend = TRUE, offset.legend=0.03, nlevel.legend=length(color.image), xlab.image="", ylab.image="Bins", MY.DEBUG=FALSE,...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{myFCSobj}{FCS object to be gated/subsetted on an image parallel coordinates plot} \item{var.gate}{numerical column position of the variable to be gated in the data component of myFSobj} \item{var.pos}{a vector of the column positions of the variables of interest in the data of the FCS object to be shown in the image parallel coordinates plot;default is all the columns will be shown in the plots } \item{num.bins}{a vector consisting of the row positions of the cells to be analyze; default is 10} \item{joint}{Boolean; If TRUE, then the joint image parallel coordinate plots will be shown for the pre-gated and post-gated data; if FALSE, then the mariginal lines for the image parallel coordinate plots will be displayed; default is FALSE} \item{range.var}{a 2-dimensional vector denoting the minimum value and the maximum value of the variables to be plotted; default is c(0,1024), where 0 is the minimum value and 1024 is the max value} \item{break10}{vector denoting the breaks for the binning on the vertical axis; default is equal interval binning denoted by num.bins unless otherwise specified; the breaks must include the range of the variable; each bin is denoted by an open lower value and a closed upper value, ie, (a,b] where a and b are breakpoints and a