\name{"fixvars-methods"} \docType{methods} \alias{"fixvars-methods"} \alias{fixvars-methods} \alias{fixvars} \title{Checks and fixes the ranges, dimensions, and names of the metadata based on the current data of an FCS R-object.} \description{ Any discrepancy between the metadata and the data of the FCS object is considered as a failure to pass the check and will be updated with the descriptives from the data. The following is a description of the checks and fixes: \item{1. Dimension check and fix}{We always check the dimensions (ie, if the data dimensions match with size (\$TOT) and nparam (\$PAR) that are specified in the metadata. If they are not in check, then the metadata parameters are changed to reflect the values of the data dimensions. } \item{2. Parameter Name check and fix}{We check the names of the metadata with the names of the data column parameters. Either only the longnames (\$PnS) or the shortnames (\$PnN) of the metadata are checked against the names of the data. Please take note that both (\$PnS) and (\$PnN) ARE NOT BOTH checked. Depending on the number of discrepancies (ie, the one with the least number of discrepanices; by default the longnames if there is a tie), either the longnames or the shortnames of the metadata are replaced with the column names of the data. } \item{3. Column Variable Range Check}{We check the paramranges (\$PnR) specified in the metadata with the column parameter ranges of the data; if there are any discrepancies, then the paramranges are replaced with the maximum values of the data columns. } Please note that if the metadata@original is FALSE, then the metadata slotNames have a "RFACSadd$>>$" suffix and are located in metadata@fcsinfo in order to store the current data descriptives. The original data descriptives can be retrieved/checked when metadata@original is set to TRUE; otherwise the current metadata information about the data is retrieved/checked even when the "RFACSadd$>>$" suffix is not noted in the character index. (ie) If metadata@original is FALSE, then metadata[["size"]] will return metadata[["RFACSadd$>>$\$TOT"]], the current row length of the data, while metadata@size will return the number of rows for the original data. Note that metadata@original is changed only when a parameter column is added to the data using \code{\link{addParameter-methods}}, when rows of the data are extracted using \code{\link{extractGatedData}} or if the user decides to change the value metadata@original. Using \code{\link{"["-methods}} and \code{\link{"[<-"-methods}} on a \code{\link{FCS}} object will not change the value of metadata@original. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "FCS"}{A \code{FCS}object will be returned with any fixes to the metadata.} \item{x = "FCS", x.name="", MY.DEBUG=TRUE, range.max=NULL}{ Other options in the signature include: (1) x.name : character string of the true object name; default is "" (ie, the objectname in the metadata will be regarded as the true object name ) (2) MY.DEBUG : boolean value; if TRUE, then the output statements are printed, otherwise if FALSE, then the statements are surpressed; default is TRUE. (3) range.max : numeric value describing the true maximum of the data that the checks on the ranges will be compared; default is NULL (ie, the maximum of each column variable in the data is the truth) } }} \keyword{methods} \keyword{data}