\name{coerce-FCSformat} \alias{coerce,FCS,cytoFrame-method} \alias{coerce,cytoFrame,FCS-method} \title{Convert Data Objects} \description{ Convert between rflowcyt and prada data objects. } \details{ Objects can be converted (coerced) from one class to another using \code{as(object, Class)} where \code{object} is an object to convert and \code{Class} is the name of the class to convert to. The following conversions are provided: \tabular{ll}{ From:\tab To:\cr \code{FCS} \tab \code{cytoFrame}\cr \code{cytoFrame} \tab \code{FCS}\cr } Note that \code{cytoFrame} objects are coerced to \code{cytoFrame} in such a way that the metadata are not stored in the exact same order. } \author{N. Le Meur} \seealso{ \code{\link[methods]{as}} in the \code{methods} package. } \examples{ x <- new("FCS") y <- as(x,"cytoFrame") ##z <- new("cytoFrame") ##z@exprs <- matrix(rnorm(5*2),5,2) ##y <- as(z,"FCS") } \keyword{classes} \keyword{data}