\name{breakpoints.ProbBin} \alias{breakpoints.ProbBin} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Obtain break points for Probability binning } \description{ To define the break points in data.var in which there are N observations in each bin. } \usage{ breakpoints.ProbBin(data.var, N) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data.var}{ a vector of numeric data values for the break points to be determined } \item{N}{ the number of data points between two breaks } } \details{ This function is used to determine the break points that can be used to specify a \code{\link{ProbBin.FCS}} object as well as a \code{\link{hist}} object. Please note that each bin in the histograms (in \code{ProbBin.FCS}) will be determined such that the end point is included (ie, for a