\name{"FCSmetadata-class"} \docType{class} \alias{"FCSmetadata-class"} \alias{"FCSmetadata"} \alias{FCSmetadata-class} \alias{FCSmetadata} \alias{"[-methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[<--methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[[-methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[[<--methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"print-methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"show-methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"summary-methods",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[<-",FCSmetadata-method} \alias{"[[<-"-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[<--methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[[-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[[<--methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{print-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{show-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{summary-methods,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[<-,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[[,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{[[<-,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{print,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{show,FCSmetadata-method} \alias{summary,FCSmetadata-method} \title{Class "FCSmetadata" Metadata portion of a Flow Cytometry Standard object} \description{Information from the HEADER and TEXT of a raw binary FCS file about the data and other parameters are stored in the metadata. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("FCSmetadata", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{mode}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} the "\$MODE" mode of the raw binary FCS file} \item{\code{size}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} the "\$TOT" row dimension of the data; describing the number of observations or cells } \item{\code{nparam}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} the "\$PAR" column dimension of the data; describing the number of parameters } \item{\code{shortnames}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"} the "\$PnN" short names corresponding to the column variables of the data; these names are generally non-descript and are not used as the names of the columns of the data} \item{\code{longnames}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"} the "\$PnS" long names used for the column variables of the data} \item{\code{paramranges}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"} the "\$PnR" maximum value corresponding to the column variables} \item{\code{filename}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} path and/or name of the \bold{original} raw binary FCS object } \item{\code{objectname}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} the name of the original, \code{FCS-class} object} \item{\code{original}:}{Object of class \code{"logical"} the original status of the current object } \item{\code{fcsinfo}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} the other parameters and values in the HEADER and TEXT of the raw binary FCS file } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{"["}{\code{signature(x = "FCSmetadata")}: Extracts the metadata slots or metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single character name index; Extracts the metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single or vector of numerical indicies } \item{"[<-"}{\code{signature(x = "FCSmetadata")}: Replaces the metadata slots or metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single character name index; Replaces the metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single or vector of numerical indicies;Adds a new slot to the metadata@fcsinfo } \item{"[["}{\code{signature(x = "FCSmetadata")}: Extracts the metadata slots or metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single character name index; Extracts the metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single or vector of numerical indicies } \item{"[[<-"}{\code{signature(x = "FCSmetadata")}: Replaces the metadata slots or metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single character name index; Replaces the metadata@fcsinfo slots by using a single or vector of numerical indicies;Adds a new slot to the metadata@fcsinfo} \item{"print-methods"}{\code{signature(x = "FCSmetadata")}: prints the original status, the objectname, filename, and dimensions of the data} \item{"show-methods"}{\code{signature(object = "FCSmetadata")}: same as 'print' } \item{"summary-methods"}{\code{signature(object = "FCSmetadata")}: summaries the metadata in a string output } } } \references{ Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Springer Series in Statistics : New York, 2001. pp.279-283. Jerome H. Friedman and Nicholas I. Fisher. Bump Hunting in High-Dimensional Data. Tech Report. October 28, 1998. J. Paul Robinson, et al. Current Protocols in Cytometry. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc : 2001. Mario Roederer and Richard R. Hardy. Frequency Difference Gating: A Multivariate Method for Identifying Subsets that Differe between Samples. Cytometry, 45:56-64, 2001. Mario Roederer and Adam Treister and Wayne Moore and Leonore A. Herzenberg. Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Univariate Distribution Differences. Cytometry, 45:37-46, 2001. Keith A. Baggerly. Probability Binning and Testing Agreement between Multivariate Immunofluorescence Histograms: Extending the Chi-Squared Test. Cytometry, 45:141-150, 2001. } \author{A.J. Rossini, J.Y. Wan, and Zoe Moodie} \note{ For more information about the different parameters in the metadata@fcsinfo slot, please look at the documentation for \code{read.FCS}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.FCS}}, \code{\link{"FCS-class"}}, \code{\link{"print-methods"}}, \code{\link{"show-methods"}}, \code{\link{"summary-methods"}}, \code{\link{"[-methods"}}, \code{\link{"[[-methods"}}, \code{\link{"[<--methods"}}, \code{\link{"[[<--methods"}} } \examples{ default<-new("FCSmetadata") some.meta<-new("FCSmetadata", fcsinfo=list("comment"=rep("none", 10)), mode="none", nparam=0, size=0) ## extract/subset the metadata some.meta[["nparam"]] some.meta["paramranges"] ## replace the metadata/subsetassign the metadata ## 3 parameters with ranges some.meta[["nparam"]]<-3 some.meta["paramranges"]<-rep(1,3) ## show show(some.meta) ## print print(some.meta) some.meta ## summary summary(some.meta) } \keyword{classes}