\name{prepareGenomePlot} \alias{prepareGenomePlot} \title{Set up a full genome plot} \description{ This function starts up a plot consisting of all chromosomes of a genomen, including axes with chromosome names. } \usage{ prepareGenomePlot(chrompos, cols = "grey50", paintCytobands = FALSE, bleach = 0, topspace = 1, organism, sexChromosomes = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{chrompos}{chrompos object, data.frame with \code{CHR} column identifying the chromosome of probes, and a \code{MapInfo} column identifying the position on the chromosome} \item{cols}{color(s) for the chromosome lines} \item{paintCytobands}{logical, use \code{paintCytoband} to plot ideograms for all chromosomes} \item{bleach}{numeric [0,1], proportion by which to bleach the ideograms} \item{topspace}{numerical, extra space on top of plot, i.e. for legends} \item{organism}{character, if given a 2 column plot is created with the chromosomes for the given species. Currently "hsa", "mmu", and "rno" are supported} \item{sexChromosomes}{logical, if \code{TRUE} then also the sex chromosomes X and Y are plotted} \item{\dots}{extra arguments for \code{plot} function} } \details{ If \code{organism} is not supplied then a single column is plotted of the available chromosomes in \code{chrompos$CHR}. The arguments \code{paintCytobands}, \code{bleach}, and \code{sexChromosomes} are not used in that case. } \value{ A matrix with 2 columns that contain the Y and X positions for the probes on the plot } \author{Jan Oosting } \keyword{hplot}