\name{position2Cytoband} \alias{position2Cytoband} \title{Determine cytoband position based on location of probe} \description{ Determine cytoband position based on location of probe } \usage{ position2Cytoband(chrom, position, units = c("cM", "bases", "ISCN"), bands = c("major", "minor")) } \arguments{ \item{chrom}{chromosomal id, chromosome to plot 1:22,X,Y} \item{position}{numeric vector} \item{units}{character, type of positional unit} \item{bands}{chararcter, type of cytoband} } \value{ Character vector with cytobands, if an illegal position was used, the value "-" is returned. All positions within a single function call should be for a single chromosome } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{lengthChromosome}}} \examples{ position2Cytoband(1,c(50e6,125e6,200e6),units="bases") position2Cytoband(1,c(50,125,200),units="cM",bands="minor") } \keyword{manip}