\name{getLambdaMin} \alias{getLambdaMin} \title{getLambdaMin} \description{ Test a set of smoothing parameters to find best fit to data } \usage{ getLambdaMin(intensities,lambdas,\dots) } \arguments{ \item{intensities}{numeric vector} \item{lambdas}{numeric vector; see \code{\link{quantsmooth}}} \item{\dots}{extra parameters for \code{quantsmooth.cv}; currently only \code{ridge.kappa}} } \details{ Cross validation is performed using a set of lambda values in order to find the lambda value that shows the best fit to the data. } \value{ This function returns the lambda value that has the lowest cross validation value on this dataset } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{quantsmooth.cv}} } \examples{ data(chr14) lambdas<-2^seq(from=-2,to=5,by=0.25) getLambdaMin(bac.cn[,1],lambdas) } \keyword{smooth}