\name{plotWhiskers} \alias{plotWhiskers} \title{Standard errors whiskers plot} \description{ A plot showing error bars for genes of interest. } \usage{ plotWhiskers( eset , comparisons=c(1,2) , sortMethod = c("logRatio", "PPLR") , numGenes=50 , xlim , main = "PUMA Whiskers plot" , highlightedGenes=NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{ An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. } \item{comparisons}{ A 2-element integer vector specifying the columns of data to be compared. } \item{sortMethod}{ The method used to sort the genes. "logRatio" is fold change. PPLR is Probability of Positive Log Ratio (as determined by the \code{\link{pumaDE}} method). } \item{numGenes}{ Integer. Number of probesets to plot. } \item{xlim}{ The x limits of the plot. See \code{\link{plot.default}}. } \item{main}{ A main title for the plot. See \code{\link{plot.default}}. } \item{highlightedGenes}{ Row numbers of probesets to highlight with an asterisk. } } \value{ This function has no return value. The output is the plot created. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{Related method \code{\link{pumaDE}}} \keyword{hplot}