\name{numTP} \alias{numTP} \title{ Number of True Positives for a given proportion of False Positives. } \description{ Often when evaluating a differential expression method, we are interested in how well a classifier performs for very small numbers of true positives. This method gives one way of calculating this, by determining the number of true positives for a set proportion of false positives. } \usage{ numTP(scores, truthValues, FPRate = 0.5) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{scores}{ A vector of scores. This could be, e.g. one of the columns of the statistics of a \code{\link{DEResult}} object. } \item{truthValues}{ A boolean vector indicating which scores are True Positives. } \item{FPRate}{ A number between 0 and 1 identify the proportion of flase positives for which we wish to determine the number of true positives. } } \value{ An integer giving the number of true positives. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{Related methods \code{\link{numFP}}, \code{\link{plotROC}} and \code{\link{calcAUC}}.} \examples{ class1a <- rnorm(1000,0.2,0.1) class2a <- rnorm(1000,0.6,0.2) class1b <- rnorm(1000,0.3,0.1) class2b <- rnorm(1000,0.5,0.2) scores_a <- c(class1a, class2a) scores_b <- c(class1b, class2b) classElts <- c(rep(FALSE,1000), rep(TRUE,1000)) print(numTP(scores_a, classElts)) print(numTP(scores_b, classElts)) } \keyword{manip}