\name{viabilityCharts} \alias{viabilityCharts} \title{A function to create summary bar charts for directed graphs} \description{ This function takes a list of directed graph objects and creates a summary of the relative viable baits, viable prey, and viable bait/prey of each data graph. } \usage{ viabilityCharts(dataGraphs, total=6466) } \arguments{ \item{dataGraphs}{A named list of directed graphNELs} \item{total}{The total number of potential nodes (i.e. proteins) that could have been queried.} } \value{ A barchart object. Each item in the bar-chart represents one experimental data graph (set). } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ graphs = lapply(bpExperimentNames, function(x) get(x)) names(graphs) = bpExperimentNames viabilityCharts(graphs) } \keyword{datagen}