\name{idProteinErrorType} \alias{idSystematic} \alias{idStochastic} \title{A function to identify those proteins affected by either stochastic or systematic errors} \description{ This function takes in either a bait to prey Graph (matrix) and, based on a binomial error model, partitions proteins identified as either affected by systematic or stochastic error. It is a wrapper function that will eventually call the qbinom function. } \usage{ idSystematic(bpMat, viable, bpGraph = FALSE, pThresh = 0.01, pLevels = 1e-4, prob=0.5) idStochastic(bpMat, bpGraph = FALSE, pThresh = 0.01, pLevels = 1e-4, prob=0.5) } \arguments{ \item{bpMat}{Either a bait to prey directed graphNEL or its corresponding adjacency matrix.} \item{viable}{This is a character vector of viable proteins. It is only used in the idSystematic function.} \item{bpGraph}{A logical. If TRUE, than bpMat is passed in by the user as a graphNEL.} \item{pThresh}{The p-value threshold for which to partition stochastic or systematic errors} \item{pLevels}{A numeric. It gives the levels to calculate the countours of the function in p in the (n-in, n-out)-plane} \item{prob}{A numeric. The probability parameter in the call to the qbinom function.} } \value{ A character vector of proteins either affected by systematic or stochastic errors. } \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ library(ppiData) idSystematic(Ito2001BPGraph, viableBaits[[1]], bpGraph=TRUE) } \keyword{datagen}