\name{scaleParameterPlot} \alias{scaleParameterPlot} \title{Scale parameter plotted against mean intensity} \usage{ scaleParameterPlot(model,main="Scale parameter curve", col=1,pch='.',lty=1,curveCol=2,knotsPch=19,knotsCol=3) } \description{ Will produce a scatter plot of variance estimators (logged) for each probe (probe set) against the corresponding mean intensity together with the fitted scale-parameter curve and points showing the knots of the used spline. } \arguments{ \item{model}{On object obtained from the function plw or lmw.} \item{main}{Main title of plot.} \item{col}{Color for individual points (mean,logs2).} \item{pch}{Plot symbol for individual points (mean,logs2).} \item{lty}{Line type for fitted scale parameter curve.} \item{curveCol}{Line color for fitted scale parameter curve.} \item{knotsPch}{Plot symbol for spline knots.} \item{knotsCol}{Plot color for spline knots.} } \author{Magnus \eqn{\mbox{\AA}}{A}strand} \seealso{plw, lmw} \examples{ # ------------------------------------------ # Example using the result of the analysis of # the 6 arrays in the AffySpikeU95Subset data set # Loading the data data(AffySpikeU95Subset) # Defining design and contrast matrix group<-factor(rep(1:2,each=3)) design<-model.matrix(~group-1) contrast<-matrix(c(1,-1),1,2) # Analyzing using plw model1<-plw(AffySpikeU95Subset,design=design,contrast=contrast, epsilon=0.01) ## Look at fitted curve for scale parameter scaleParameterPlot(model1) } \keyword{univar} \keyword{manip}