\name{model.pickgene} \alias{model.pickgene} \title{Create Model Matrix for Orthogonal Contrasts} \description{ The function created a model matrix of orthogonal contrasts to be used by pickgene. } \usage{ model.pickgene(faclevel, facnames = letters[seq(length(faclevel))], contrasts.fac = "contr.poly", collapse = "+", show = NULL, renorm = 1, modelexpr = formula(paste("~", paste(facnames, collapse = collapse))), contrasts.list = contr.list) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{faclevel}{vector with number of levels for each factor} \item{facnames}{vector of factor names (default = "a","b",...)} \item{contrasts.fac}{vector of contrast types} \item{collapse}{"+" for additive model, "*" for full model with interactions} \item{show}{vector of contrast numbers to show (default is all)} \item{renorm}{vector to renormalize contrasts (e.g. use \code{sqrt(2)} to turn two-condition contrast into fold change)} \item{modelexpr}{model formula} \item{contrasts.list}{list of contrasts indexed by \index{facnames}} } \details{ Creates a model matrix data frame with first column having all 1's and other columns having contrasts. } \value{ Result of call to model.matrix } \author{Brian Yandell} \seealso{\code{\link{model.matrix}}} \examples{ model.pickgene( c(2,3), c("sex","genotype")) } \keyword{utilities}