\name{AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed-class} \docType{class} \alias{AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed-class} \alias{initialize,AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed-method} \title{Class "AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed"} \description{ This class represents Platform Design (PD) packages for Affymetrix mapping (SNP chip) arrays. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{cdfFile}:}{Path to the CDF file for this platform. Example: \code{"files/Mapping250K_Nsp.cdf"}} \item{\code{csvAnnoFile}:}{Path to the Affymetrix CSV annotation file. Example: \code{"files/Mapping250K_Nsp_annot.csv"}} \item{\code{csvSeqFile}:}{Path to the Affymetrix probe sequence file. Example: \code{Mapping250K_Nsp_probe_tab}} \item{splineParamFile}{Path to the spline parameters file used to compute the predicted accuracy of the the genotype calls. Used internally in \code{.predictAccuracy}.} \item{crlmmInfoFile}{Path to is data file containing regions data used by the \code{crlmm} function.} \item{referenceDistFile}{Path to a reference distribution file used in the normalization step. This is the reference used in \code{snprma}.} %% these are from PDInfoPkgSeed-class, bummer for the duplication :-( \item{\code{chipName}:}{Name of the chip or platform} \item{\code{manufacturer}:}{chip/platform manufacturer} \item{\code{genomebuild}:}{The genome build this platform is based upon.} \item{\code{pdInfoObjectName}:}{Name of the R object that will be made available in a generated pdInfo package.} \item{\code{geometry}:}{Used to describe the geometry of the platform. } %% these are from PkgSeed-class, bummer for the duplication :-( %% these are from PkgSeed-class, bummer for the duplication :-( \item{\code{name}:}{The name of the package.} \item{\code{version}:}{A character vector giving the version number of the package.} \item{\code{license}:}{The license of the package} \item{\code{author}:}{Author of the package} \item{\code{email}:}{An email address to use in the Maintainer field} \item{\code{url}:}{URL} \item{\code{biocViews}:}{Character data for the biocViews field of the DESCRIPTION file} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{PDInfoPkgSeed}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{PkgSeed}"}, by class "PDInfoPkgSeed", distance 2. } \section{Methods}{ See \code{showMethods(classes="AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed")} } \section{Notes}{ The files used for slots \code{splineParamFile}, \code{crlmmInfoFile}, and \code{referenceDistFile} are generated by the Bioconductor project for each chip/platform and are hosted in our svn data repository at \url{https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioc-data/trunk/annotation/parms_store}. When \code{makePdInfoPackage} is run, these files are simply copied to the \code{inst/extdata} directory of the generated package. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ showClass("AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed") cdfFile <- "Mapping250K_Nsp.cdf" csvAnno <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_annot.csv" csvSeq <- "Mapping250K_Nsp_probe_tab" spline <- "pd.mapping250k.nsp.spline.params.rda" refd <- "pd.mapping250k.nspRef.rda" crlmmInf <- "pd.mapping250k.nspCrlmmInfo.rda" pkg <- new("AffySNPPDInfoPkgSeed", version="0.1.5", author="A. U. Thor", email="au@thor.net", biocViews="AnnotationData", genomebuild="NCBI Build 35, May 2004", cdfFile=cdfFile, csvAnnoFile=csvAnno, csvSeqFile=csvSeq, splineParamFile=spline, crlmmInfoFile=crlmmInf, referenceDistFile=refd) showMethods(classes=class(pkg)) } \keyword{classes}