\name{shorth} \alias{shorth} \title{ one-dimensional MVE (min. vol. ellipsoid) } \description{ generalized length of shortest-half sample } \usage{ shorth(x, Alpha=0.5) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ data vector, no NAs } \item{Alpha}{ minimum fraction of data to be covered by scale estimator. if Alpha == 0.5, the \code{shorth} is calculated } } \value{ a list, say L, with components \item{shorth}{ a 2-vector with endpoints of the shortest Alpha-sample } \item{length.shorth}{ see previous return component \code{L$shorth[2]-L$shorth[1]} } \item{midpt.shorth}{ mean(L[["shorth"]]) } \item{meanshorth}{ mean of values in the shorth, studied by Andrews et al (1972) as a location estimator } \item{correction.parity.dep}{ correction factor to be applied to achieve approximate unbiasedness and diminish small-sample parity dependence; \code{L["shorth"]] * L[["correction"]]} is approximately unbiased for the Gaussian standard deviation, for 0 < Alpha < 1. } \item{bias.correction.gau.5}{ correction factor to be applied along with correction.parity.dep when Alpha = .5; empirically derived bias correction useful for 10 < N < 2000 and possibly beyond. To use, divide: \code{(L[["shorth"]] * L[["correction"]] / L[["bias.corr"]])} is approximately unbiased for Gaussian standard deviation, when Alpha=.5. } \item{Alpha}{ coverage fraction used }} \references{ Rousseeuw and Leroy, Stat Neer (1988), Gruebel, Ann Stat (1988) } \keyword{robust} % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.